Monday, 19 April 2010

Viral advertising

The new Alton Towers ride that opened up in april had been talked about for weeks before, with small adverts of an eerie forset and spooky music, alot of people were talking about it.
One advert lasted only around 5 seconds, I have uploaded it to my blogger, all it says in a spooky girls voice "you'd better not go alone." Then shows the number 13 hanging from a tree in a dark forest. Then the Alton Towers logo, so people knew it was a ride, but what sort? why shouldnt we go alone?
A month or so later a second advert came out confirming it as a rollarcoaster in a dark forest said to be haunted. it then shows you the rollar coaster fall from view down a hole and you can hear the screams, it then shows you a small ghoslty building then again shows the 13 on the tree. The word spread fast about this advert as it was so effective, alot of people were eager to go to alton towers when the ride opened to witness it for themselves so they could then go back and tell their friends "I have been on the th13teen ride."

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