This was the trial of the back of my poster. this is where all the facts will be going in the style of a diner menu. I wanted to add facts about heart disease in like it would be like food, but still add some quirky phrases to make it interesting and different.
These are the two main posters i created. I cooked my own burger with cheese and bacon and poured grease over the burger to make it look even more sickly. I then edited the brightness of it on photoshop to make it look greasier and fattier. I used an image off google for the ice cream, and again edited the colours on photoshop. It still looks sickly, but more appetizing than the burger. I thought of the idea of the pinup girl after drawing my own personal ideas. when I thought it would be clever and sort of retro to have a pinup girl sat on the food, it gave it sort of an 80's diner feel. Which gave me the idea to do it like a menu. I was first going to do the pinup girl fat, but after much thought decided to keep her skinny, as it would be ironic, having a beautiful woman sat on something so fatty and greasy. The burger was under a red and white diner cloth, so I used illustrator to make the girls costume the same detail. I used illustrator to create the pinup girl.
For the ice cream I used the same style, but more of a girly pretty bubblegum colours. The diner cloth was pink, as was the pinup girls costume, but i gave her blue hair.
The background to these were both very plain, so I chose to add colour to the background, keeping with the theme.
I did 3 posters to start off with, I chose to expand the idea of my heart disease campaign. This cake was my first trial poster, I liked involving food in my idea. Which I decided to keep in my final 2 posters.
This is showing infomation about the BNP, and where their areas are the most strongest. (blue)
The pink shows areas of large non white populations.
The purple indicates the areas where they collide with each other.
If you look closely at the map on the right the areas where they are both active arent that common. Would there be a specific reason behind this? for example the "class" of a certain society?
Also looking at this map it looks like there is alot of strong BNP supporters throughout England. Which I find quite surprising. I thought less people where supporters of the BNP.
Even though this infomation not everybody is happy to look at and get involved with racial issues, its presented in a very colourful and less depressing than it could of been presented.
This image is of the map of the world and under each country has a word, all in different colours representing what this country is the best at, whether it is a crime, a world record etc.
the actual map itself is a very light grey and just about visible,
the words themselves are all in the same type face, with a different coloured box around it, those colours represent a category of what that country is best at. I like the way this is done because the topic is quite an interesting one anyway. If it was just written people wouldn't be as interested as they would be after looking at this, because its bright and colourful, and it gives you a clear view of the countrys and where abouts they are using the map.
This graph is showing which gender uses different social networking sites the most. To represent male and female they have used small people, on the female ones you can see the silhouette of a dress. Also the female ones are pink, the male ones are blue. The grey means they are used equally just as much by male and female. It also has the average percentage at the right hand side. Near enough all of the sites are used by females. Only one is used more by males in the pictogram, which is a site called "Digg".
Then only four are used equally.
twelve are used more by females. I think this is a good way to display information, its colourful, neat, and easy to understand and follow.
A man named Christopher Niemann drew this along with a whole bunch more and gave them al a title "good night and tough look"
saying also "getting a good nights sleep is actually alot more complicated than one would think."
The illustration here to the right is a person with their head on a pillow, showing the heated side of the pillow with the persons face on, and the cold side, which the person will soon turn over to because they wake up too hot.
"The second most wonderful thing about sleeping is the sensation of your cheek meeting the cool half of the pillow after you’ve turned from one side to the other. I found that it takes about 45 minutes for the other end to completely cool down again so the procedure can be repeated"
The image to the left is abit simple looking, but judging by the name of the title of the series of images, and the description taken from an extract below, it is of to adults tucked up in bed, until the child (red) comes in and spoils it by wriggling and keeping the adults awake.
"Next up: a visitor from the kids’ room. They start all sweet and cuddly, but their little bodies become more brazen by the minute."
These diagrams are very simple and hard to follow unless you have read the title and descriptions, but are still completely true, so instead of providing us with factual information, it is telling us information about are sleeping patterns, in a simple but humorous way, because at some stage we can all recall of being woken up by children, or being to hot.
This is the DVD cover for a horror film called "Hostel." You know its a gorey horror film by looking at the cover.
The whole colour is done in a deep red, so is the whole wall been covered with a persons blood? then above it is an actual blood stain, splattered at the top of the cover, the title "hostel" is done in the same colour.
Then on the floor there is an image of a person chained to a chair which has fell over.
Then just to the bottom right is the top of somebody's head, you can't see the bottom of the head, or who it is, so it could be another person lay on the floor, or it could be the same persons head who is chained to the chair.
Then you realise the blood is from that individual, and judging by the amount of blood you realise that the head has probably been hacked off roughly.
Looking at what the person is wearing, it is very scruffy and dirty, giving the sign that he has probably been kidnapped and kept prisoner, and because he has been chained up, he has had no attempt to escape. After his death it looks like knowbody has cleaned up or made any effort to move him or clean up the blood, they are clearly not in a rush to get rid of any evidence. So they are hidden away and very secretive.
It also says on the dvd cover that it is an unseen edition, considering the unseen edition has the same cover as the normal edition, it isn't giving anything away on how gory it could be, and how much worse it is.
This is a photograph taken by an artist who does street based illustrations and photography. He focuses on making little people
involving normal size things.
The main focus in these photos are the little people he has created, and what they are doing.
The photo I'm focusing on is the far left.
It is a vodka bottle with the sign "local council swimming pool." The signified is the people swimming in the "pool", the child waiting to go swimming, and the bottle itself representing the pool.
Because vodka looks the same as water, we can only guess that it is vodka because of the appearance of the bottle. The two people swimming in the pool look fully grown, so I'm presuming they are adults, but the person waiting has a rubber ring around their waste, and smaller, so by looking the clues are there that he is a child. A child waiting to swim in vodka?
which could be a message of underage drinking. He could be waiting there to go in, which would be illegal? or he might be waiting for a parent because he wasn't allowed in.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Another movie poster for the film District 9.
Showing a huge UFO suspended in mid air over a populated city in the distance.
At the front of the poster there is barbed wire protecting a run down area, almost like slums. At the front of the poster there is a sign with an alien on the front in a red circle saying "No humans allowed."
Then the name of the film and underneath the title says, "you are not welcome here."
The film itself is about aliens living on earth in makeshift wooden shacks, being looking after by the government because their spaceship is unable to fly, so they are living on earth in slums.
The sign is saying no humans allowed, meaning even though it is the humans planet, the aliens have taken over so much land and will not let humans enter and have made it their own. Just in the background is the humans city, which is where the aliens are forbidden. But in the picture they live side by side on earth, forbidding each other to enter their territory. Above the city is their spaceship, which is floating over the city. on the ratio of the picture it clearly shows that the aliens have taken over and everything on earth now revolves around the aliens, so they have taken over completely, only because they had to, because of the ship. In the film the aliens are given the nickname "prawns" because of the way they look.
As your watching the film you realise how unfairly the aliens are being treated by people, and by them having the nickname, I believe it also represents the way black people where/are treated by white people, and how they tried to separate them from society and gave them horrible racist nicknames. It is almost like a hidden message of racism.
This is the poster for a horror film released in America called The Human Centipede.
The signifiers in this poster is the human pressed up against the glass with the four hands underneath them with blood all over them, also pressed up against the glass. You can see a persons face pressed up against the glass which is conveying a look of shear terror.
When you look at the person on the poster you can only see that one person and the 2 sets of hands behind him with blood on, then by looking at then name of the film you can guess just enough to know that this film is full of torture and pain, and with the title"the human centipede, you know there is a reason you cant see there faces.
They are pressed up against a sort of pale green frosted window, which reminds me of something you would find in a hospital surgery, normally hospitals protect, cure, help people, but in this case the people are having the opposite done to them. It also connects in well to the plot of the film because the person doing this to them is a demented surgeon. The window also gives the message of horror, because you cant see them properly and they cant see you properly, they are trying to escape, but dont know where to go, and how to escape. So the frosted window also sort of represents there failed attempted of an escape, and that they are now trapped and pressed up against the window in hope of finding a way out.
People who would collect insects would place them into a jar to study them, this poster also resembles an insect collectors interest in some way. When bugs a re in jars they try and find a way out by crawling up the sides. This also looks like what the "human centipede" is trying to do, climb to find an escape route.
Semiotics- Is the study of signs and the messages in them, what they represent by what they signify.
This is a cover for an xbox game "naughty bear"
The signifiers in this poster are;
The naughty bear
The knife
The screaming bear (victim) in the reflection of the knife
The message in this poster is that the naughty bear is obviously going to kill the other bear, like there has been a chase if the naughty bear is breaking through a door to get to the victim bear.
But you dont know the reason naughty bear is going to kill the victim bear just by looking at the cover.
The Cover of the game is resembling a horror film, The Shining, and the famous "heres johnny!" scene. Which the cover of the game has also done, instead with cuddly teddy bears. The main text at the top of the cover is done in a child like typography, with upper case and lower case in random places in the text, to make it more childlike. The mixing between something like the childish writing and horror shows quite a big juxtaposition, because they have transformed a cute cuddly teddy into a psychopathic murderer.
This advert is for a new xbox game coming out this year. The game is called "Naughty Bear" and is about a bear that is bullied by the
other bears that live on the island. The advert is showing you how his streak of naughtiness begins.
The whole advert is done in 3D as it is advertising the game footage, it is a very colourful advert, this is because the game is about teddy bears, which
are normally associated as cute and cuddly and friendly, so it is still giving the impression of everything being cute and lovely,
so you immediatley know that naughty bear dosnt fit in because of his appearence.
This advert uses photography of a car, and also uses different techniques of how to use the photos. Like a flip book, then one photo after the other, and a group of photos bunched together to make one pitcure.
It shows the car in a normal size photo on the picture driving through a house but on the pictures, its done like a stop frame animation, placing a new picture after the other one showing the car driving through the house.
It also shows it going through a fish tank over the top of it, when it does the photo looks like the car has driven through a puddle, and makes a splash on the photo, to make it look very effective. it then shows a group of photos of a family get into the car, and continue onwards to then split up into three lots of photos why it weaves in and out of a dining room table and all slot back in together showing the car but at a different angle.
The photos used show off the car very well using all the angles and movemoents, just from a simple way of using photography.
It is a small bitesize circular piece of cheese that fits in your hand.
This advert is a very clever one, it almost looks like an interview. Derek Edmonds, the "head cheesemaker" talks about making
the babybells and all the tasks that come with it.
The veiwer dosnt realise that the cheese makers are all tiny, so thats why it makes it difficult.
When they try and milk cows, which are huge compared to them, if you think of the size of a babybell compared to a cow.
It shows them holding the babybells at the end and they all look like they are struggling with them.
It then shows you one roll away into the hands of a normal sized child, and he just picks it up very easily and eats it! :)
Before this advert there was the gorilla playing the drums.
The recent Cadbury adverts have been very random ones, and nothing to do with the chocolate what so ever. I could of chosen any
of them, but chose this one because I think its the funniest one, and most people have seen it and tryed to mimic it. so it s effective
and humorous.
Nobody speaks, all it says is "A glass and a half full production" in the cadbury writing.
Because of the gorilla advert before it, most people will know that it is a Cadburys advert, so there is no need to explain anything in it.
At the end of the advert it just shows a bar of the chocolate. Which is enough for the veiwers because the advert is memorable,
as all the recent cadbury ones are.
Like the one after this one was one of loads of done up airports vehicles having a race down a run way!
They can get away with being that random because of how successful they are.
The compare the market advert is a very successful one, and is spread very quickly and has even triggered certain shops selling meerkat merchandise,
and is even on social networking sites such as facebook, the main character of the advert is a meerkat called Alexander, wearing a little velvet dressing gown and
sat in a statley home. He explains that "compare the market" is ruining his website called "compare the meerkat" , showing different meerkats and their achievments.
At the end of the advert, he points at both and says "simples!" and makes a funny little noise. It was avery popular advert because
it was different to other comparison adverts that are really just annoying, but people would enjoy watching this advert for the cute little
mascott, and everytime a new advert came out people were excited to see it!
If people ever did need to go on a comparison website, the first one that would come to mind would be the compare the meerkat one.
So this advert is defiantly a good example of viral advertising.
This clip is an advert for specsavers. It has Postman Pat without his glasses and trys to do his delivery rounds without his glasses.
But it only tells you it is a specsavers advert at the end. Until it tells you that, you don't realise what it actually is an advert for. Because they have
made it look like the old postman pat with the jittery movements and faded colours. The only difference is hes crashing into walls, so you
know there is something different about it as he is normally very good at his job!
It was a childrens tv programme that is quite old now, but is still shown today, so it can apply to anyone who needs glasses really as everyone knows who
The new Alton Towers ride that opened up in april had been talked about for weeks before, with small adverts of an eerie forset and spooky music, alot of people were talking about it.
One advert lasted only around 5 seconds, I have uploaded it to my blogger, all it says in a spooky girls voice "you'd better not go alone." Then shows the number 13 hanging from a tree in a dark forest. Then the Alton Towers logo, so people knew it was a ride, but what sort? why shouldnt we go alone?
A month or so later a second advert came out confirming it as a rollarcoaster in a dark forest said to be haunted. it then shows you the rollar coaster fall from view down a hole and you can hear the screams, it then shows you a small ghoslty building then again shows the 13 on the tree. The word spread fast about this advert as it was so effective, alot of people were eager to go to alton towers when the ride opened to witness it for themselves so they could then go back and tell their friends "I have been on the th13teen ride."
I think this is a very effective method of viral advertising, if i was shopping and was using one of these tolleys i would be shocked at how realistic the image looks.
underneath the image was the writing
"see how easy feeding the hungry can be?" like it is asking you.
I believe this would shock people and the word would be spread quite quickly, as thousands of people go food shopping everyday, alot of people would see it, but i do not believe it would make any more of a difference to people giving money to charitys. It is effective in the sense that it shocks you when you first see it, as i thought they were real children in the trolleys at first, I just think that if their are adverts on television showing children dying and pleading for you to help by giving money, an image in a trolley of a child that dosnt even look that sad wont effect as many people as they would have wanted.
Game and Gamestation both sell the same things, video games for all major gaming companies such as microsoft, sony and nintendo, as well as pc games, they also sell consoles and gaming accessories.
But both are very different, eve thought they are both run by the same company, alot of people still prefer one from the other, whether or not it is the cutomer service skills, the price of games and on trade ins for your old games. If you look at the website images above, the game website looks nice and bright, advertising the sale and new games due for release, the gamestation website in comparison is quite dark and grungy looking just showing you some of the products in the sale and not of anything else.
If you were to go into a game store it is very bright and neat with many people to help you on the shop floor, all the games are easy to find and placed in a way on the shelves that you can search through them all without having to take any off the shelf to find one you are looking for.
But when you go into a gamestation it is quite dark inside, not many people seem to be around to ask for help, the games are harder to find and are put on shelves in the way you cant see the games at the back without taking all of the others off. Even though they are both the same company, people say gamestation is cheaper when it technically isnt, on certain games it is, but there will be cases where game is cheaper than gamestation on certain products. The majority of people who I asked said they preffered game for the very reasons I have just explained.
The next pair of companies ive chose to compare is Subway and McDonalds. I have chosen these to because they are
both rivals in the food industry. But both very different.
Mcdonalds is a fast food restaurant serving burgers, chips and chicken nuggets. All of which are very unhealthy and full of junk,
but people still eat it because of how cheap it is. (The pound saver menu.)
Where as Subway is a sandwich deli shop, serving a wide range of meat, bread, salad and sauces to make a subway
the way you want it. It is alot healthier the mcdonalds but is still classed as fast food, and can be alot more expensive than mcdona
The Mcdonalds adverts are very colourful but simple, the same with their website, they get peoples attention with all the colours.
If you looked at figures, it would show that more children and teenagers tend to eat more Mcdonalds than adults, so the adverts
could be more aimed at kids, because of the way they present the advert, with child like pictures and how simple the voice over sounds,
getting straight to the point.
Subways website and adverts are quite different. The colors are alot neater and in tone with each other, they are also
advertising their own value snack menu with healthy options like; a garden salad, a bowl of meatballs and nachos.
All of which are quite different and would intrigue people into buying just to see "what they taste like" and because they
are so cheap, you cant really say no! Not only do they have infomation about their food, they have job oppurtunities advertised quite
clearly on the front page of their website. Making it seem more friendly and greeting you with open arms, showing you all that is going on with
the company. wheres mcdonalds is more likely not to be trusted after all the controversy in the newspapers about what people have found in their
burgers and chicken nuggets, and what they feed their livestock.
People would be put off for life and if they would choose another place to eat, they would probably choose something different
altogether, not KFC or Burgerking because of the similarities, but maybe subway becasue it is a compltley diiferent choice of food.
Even though it is more expensive, you pay for the quality.
The subway advert is reaching out to anyone, the one I have chose is funny, showing a man who has been hypnotized
into thinking he is an aerobics teacher, when he realises hes been humilated a voice over says "we've got a sub for that!"
meaning no matter who you are or how you feel, theres a sub that can match your mood. which makes it feel more personal to
the viewer letting them know that subway will make it the way they want so they are happy! :)
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
All tatoo artists have different aspects to tattooing, and all have their own unique styles, some are more skilled in black and grey portraits, others graffiti work, or japanese designs. I have chosen to compare Chris Garver and Kat Von D. Both are very talented artists, but have an individual style which they are best at doing. Kat Von D's style is black and grey portrait work, it is very rare that she does anything else, but because she is that talented at portrait work she chooses to do nothing else and can get away with it, as people from around the world want portrait work off her.
Chris Garver has been tattooing since 1988 and is one of the most well known tattoo artists ever, and has tattoed many celebrities. He is well known for his japanese style work, especially his dragons and tigers, but will still do any other tattoo designs. He is not as picky as Kat Von D about what he is tattooing on somebody, I beleive he is much more passionate about tattooing somebody rather then Kat is. Because if she only does black and grey, as talented as she may be, she will not learn. Chris Garver has alot more talent in every area of tattooing. Therefore is more respected in the tattooing world.
I have chosen to compare the TV shows Futurama and Southpark, though they are both cartoons, they both appeal to different audiences, and give off different opinions by people.
Futurama is for all audiences, it could be compared to the simpsons, as they are created by the same man, they are funny in quick whitted family oriented sort of way, based on the stupidity of one of the main characters, and all the stupid things he does.
Southpark would appeal to more teenage veiwers, as the humour is still very whitty, but alot more offensive, containing racial slurs, swearing, strong sexual references, drugs, and mocking celebrities. Therefore alot of people would either find it as untasteful viewing, or be offended.
Personally I am more of a Southpark fan than futurama, I think southpark has alot of good ideas, and is fresh, it relates to what is the latest trend out there at the moment, like guitar hero, facebook, xbox 360's, pokemon etc. Unlike futurama which is set in the year 3000, considering what they could do with that factor, it gets boring and stale to me.
All of the above is posters and a youtube clip against smoking. All of the above appeal to different people.
Some posters even reach out to children, with the writing saying, "I'm scared of my dad dying of smoking."
Making children relate to that if their parents smoke. It would also reach out to people who had kids,
maybe making them think they wouldnt want their child to think that, or even be left an orphan.
2 of the posters reach out to women more than men, 1 is of a pregnant woman smoking, the other of an unborn baby
surrounded by smoke. It makes you stop and think, no matter how addicted you were to smoking,
surely you wouldnt put an unborn baby's life in danger?
The advert ive added is one of a man getting beaten up. Just for smoking, I thought it was abit much at first, it is very graphic.
But alot of people get beaten up to this proportion all the time, which is quite sad. It gets to a point were he is beaten to death, at the end, a deep voice says,
"smoke; and your body takes a beating."
which is very true. Even thought you cant see what smoking does to you, its doing the same damage, slowly
This campaign is for HIV, it is the (RED) logo, that has been branded on a number of different products to raise money
for people in africa suffering with HIV. All products of which are obviously red, are used in some with some top selling products.
for example, ipods, dell laptops, converse, gap t shirts.
This charity group, from the stuff I have looked at on it is a happy, and positive, instead of showing malnourished
people close to death, it shows how happy they are, with their children, or children playing and laughing.
Instead of making you feel guilty and full of sorrow, it makes you feel happy and like you are making a difference if you
are buying the products, at the end of the advert it says thankyou, as if it is personally thanking you. The music in the background is
cheery and happy, which adds to the mood of the people in the advert.
This is a screenshot of the homepage of the THINK! website.
It looks very modern and full of colour. it has alot of catagories to look under and research different posters and adverts through the years.
This poster is in the style of an old 1980's theme with the colours and the style of writing.
Its a very bright picture representing as the type says "its summer again."
but when you look at the car you can see it has hit a tree and everyone inside the car has died. The message is that even though the weather is nice and everyone is happy and jolly, people are still being killed in car accidents.
This advert is a very effective one. It is in very dull colours, which makes the audience aware that its not going to be a cheerful advert.
There is no sound either, the only sound is the womans voice giving the audience information about how far the person is treavelling after being hit by the car,
which impacts on the audience in a big way, because of how far the person is flung from being hit.
The whole advert is done in slow motion aswell, it makes it more clear and easier to see the person get hit, as awful as it seems, it
wants to shock the audience. which I believe it has achieved.