The signifiers in this poster is the human pressed up against the glass with the four hands underneath them with blood all over them, also pressed up against the glass. You can see a persons face pressed up against the glass which is conveying a look of shear terror.
When you look at the person on the poster you can only see that one person and the 2 sets of hands behind him with blood on, then by looking at then name of the film you can guess just enough to know that this film is full of torture and pain, and with the title"the human centipede, you know there is a reason you cant see there faces.
They are pressed up against a sort of pale green frosted window, which reminds me of something you would find in a hospital surgery, normally hospitals protect, cure, help people, but in this case the people are having the opposite done to them. It also connects in well to the plot of the film because the person doing this to them is a demented surgeon. The window also gives the message of horror, because you cant see them properly and they cant see you properly, they are trying to escape, but dont know where to go, and how to escape. So the frosted window also sort of represents there failed attempted of an escape, and that they are now trapped and pressed up against the window in hope of finding a way out.
People who would collect insects would place them into a jar to study them, this poster also resembles an insect collectors interest in some way. When bugs a re in jars they try and find a way out by crawling up the sides. This also looks like what the "human centipede" is trying to do, climb to find an escape route.
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